Chubb Rock - I Gotta Get Mine Yo

Chubb Rock - I Gotta Get Mine Yo
01 - Some o Next Shit
02 - I'm the Man
03 - Pop 'Nuff Shit
04 - Don't Drink the Milk
05 - The Hatred
06 - Lost in the Storm
07 - Which Way is Up
08 - Black Trek IV the Voyage Home
09 - Yabadabadoo
10 - So Much Things to Say
11 - The Funky
12 - Three Men at Chung King
13 - I Need Some Blow
14 - I'm Too Much
15 - My Brother
16 - I Don't Want to be Lonely
17 - I Gotta Get Mine Yo
18 - Message to the B.A.N.
19 - The Enter the Dragon
20 - The Arrival
21 - See You in October


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